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Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Sonya Del Rio Cerezo Karolyn J Stone that is how they are; violent, harsh, mean, callous name it. And the majority of pitbull apologists have some sort of obsessive unhealthy affinity with these dogs, which causes them to result to ridiculous, juvenile or violent means. The "zombie dog" blog [or whatever it is] is a perfect example of their stalking & juvenile ways

My younger daughter turned 12 today. I cherish my girls&it's my job to protect them. It really makes me sad & angry that pitbull apologists don't care about the lives that have been lost & the lives that will be lost. I just don't understand how they can be so cold. People who value dogs over humans have some sort of mental issues.
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  • 24 people like this.
  • Anthony Michael Ridge As we all have experienced, including you Sonya Del Rio Cerezo, anytime we bring in the subject to put the dog down for attacking their son/daughter, we so often get, "the child provoked it, or it shouldn't have woken it up, or shouldn't have taken its toy" blah blah blah. Always to hell with the human child but protect the almighty dog, I truly think there is something seriously wrong with the pittie lover
  • Karolyn J Stone absolutely..i think of the love i have for my two children and my mind just cant accept their attitudes..isnt the life of even one precious child worth more than a million of the beasts??i guess these people are dead inside..i dont know...truly dont get it.
  • Sonya Del Rio Cerezo It is mind boggling for me, they are such harsh people. What type person would joke about a dead child or have no concern for those who have been maimed? 
    The heart God gave me tells me to help people & have compassion. God certainly does not want me t
    o advocate for something that takes lives away & hurts people. It makes me cry sometimes because I know what it's like to lose someone you love & I know what it's like to love your child so much.
  • Anthony Michael Ridge I learned a long time ago to not try and figure the nutter out, hell they don't even know what is wrong with themselves. Their actions are perfectly fine to their own world. We will continue to be attacked, verbally and with their mutants, but is by our posting we can change someones mind from owning one of these maulers we have did good by preventing someones life from being taken
  • Tarika S Pearson I never knew people worship pits like this until I started using Facebook.
  • Sonya Del Rio Cerezo I also never knew about the harassment victims put up with or the violent threats victim advocates receive.
  • Karolyn J Stone i responded one time by commenting on a piece about an "adorable" pit bull who wandered onto a school bus full of school children..i said.."i dont feel comfortable with this story" that was it. nothing else then omg! the nutters came after me like fire ants.they called me every name you could think of plus i got death know theres something wrong. very wrong. i dont argue with them directly cause i think half of them must be prison inmates but i dont let them intimidate me either..consider the source..those dogs are controlling them.
  • Sonya Del Rio Cerezo Karolyn J Stone that is how they are; violent, harsh, mean, callous name it.And the majority of pitbull apologists have some sort of obsessive unhealthy affinity with these dogs, which causes them to result to ridiculous, juvenile or violent means. The "zombie dog" blog [or whatever it is] is a perfect example of their stalking & juvenile ways.

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