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Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Lynne Smith Whoa people, there is a huge difference between a dog bite and a dog attack. Darlene, I'll address your comment "I personally feel that any parent should prosecuted if such parent allowed their child to be attacked by a dog to teach the child a lesson." I think we would all agree with you. The problem is, that is no where near what Stacy said. I'll give you an example of what I feel she was getting at - and what I personally agree with. When we were kids, my grandparents had a dog, and we were all taught how to interact with the dog, and the dog was a safe, kid tolerant dog. But my brother was an idiot and would on occasion annoy the living crap out of this dog. And he would be yelled at for it, and he would be warned that if he did not stop he was going to get bit. And on occasion he did in fact get growled at and sometimes bit - and by bit I mean teeth touching skin and nothing more, to startle him so the dog could have an exit. The dog taught him a lesson better than the adults could. This is how I grew up and it has served me well, my brother to this day says he was a total jerk and deserved to be bit and can't believe the dog did not hurt him more. If some parents think this is even too much, that's fine to have that opinion. But you do not bolster support for your opinion by mischaracterizing other opinions and attacking other people. Stacy, please message me the name of the individual(s) who are messaging you from this group - I have no tolerance for this kind of thing.

This is the sort of thing that makes me really cross .
Dogue Shop uploaded a new video from 2012 to their timeline.
(PLEASE NOTE - This case was resolved two years ago). To those who might think these situations are funny... Dogs speak loud and clear but when nobody listens a...
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  • 4 people like this.
  • Dennis Ballance Sr These parents don't need a dog or kids animal cruelty and child endangerment. They are lucky the dog showed restraint may be the smartest one there. What will happen when the chid does that with no adult around
  • Dennis Ballance Sr
    Can you predict if a dog is about to bite? Although the signs can be subtle, dog trainer and television host...
  • Wendy Lambert Dixon Dennis Ballance Sr: I appreciate the information. However, I don't believe this applies to Pits. No growling, rolling over or cowering is usually involved. In my experience it's as if a "switch" gets tripped without warning.
  • Dennis Ballance Sr There is nothing normal that applies to pits or their owners trying to reason with them is about like the Borg
  • Linda Perry The (so-called) "man" who is laughing in the background and who is giving the child instructions is an absolute moron or below that , is there a term worse than moron?
  • Velvet Dewayne Rouse Animal control needs to take this dog away. These parents are putting this child in danger when allowing this to happen.
  • Deb Brown I cringe at this, the poor dog is obviously uncomfortable. I had big dogs and small kids, the dogs liked my children but even so I would never allow this!
  • Jennifer Sue Scott How could anyone think this is ok???
  • Dennis Ballance Sr A child should not have to learn lessons the hard way a child fears nothing it is up to the parents to teach the child what not to do not the dog. A lesson from a dog bite may result in a chils death not a lesson. Also if the dog bites a child it should be taught that is not acceptable in your home you are the pack leader lead the pack. Stacy Renee Snow no disrespect to your views intended just sharing my views
  • Darlene Talbot Fultz I'm imagining that this dog is only constrained because the adults are there. Every indication is that this dog wanted to bite, and it wanted to bite really badly. If this child had been left alone with the dog, I would bet the dog would not have been so patient. These parents are idiots. Even the most patient animal should not be subjected to the terrible behavior as this toddler was encouraged to do.
  • Darlene Talbot Fultz I've gotta say, Stacy Renee Snow, I personally feel that any parent should prosecuted if such parent allowed their child to be attacked by a dog to teach the child a lesson.
  • Dennis Ballance Sr Guys my comment was in no way a attack on this lady it was trying to make a point there is no dog bite to a child that should be deemed acceptable. Child and dog should be corrected. Alot of people feel the way she does. That in no way should reflect that she is a bad mother. So if the negative comments about the lady are in response to my post please delete them that was not the point my post was trying to make.
  • Darlene Talbot Fultz Dennis Ballance Sr, to be honest I didn't even read your comment. I, as a parent of 6 children would never do such a thing as exposing my child to a dog bite to teach my child a lesson. Stacy Renee Snow's comment stands alone in determining my personal response. Her kind of attitude, now matter how prevalent, is a common factor among many to the mentality of those who defend the "rights" of vicious dogs against the safety and well being of humans- particularly children. Not speaking to her personally, but judging only by her comment alone, it is not good parenting at all.
  • DJuana Jean Flowers ditto Darlene.
  • Stacy Renee Snow I'm not even a parent and I was nervously expecting the dog to bite. Augg. I'm not really trying to attack the mother either...I just know dogs. I would have stopped this immediately, as the dog owner or the parent. Maybe the mother just didn't know dogs that well or was having a bad day and bad judgement. It really comes down to the owner being responsible.
  • Stacy Renee Snow Also the possibility of my dog snapping due to this kind of stress and abuse isn't a reflection of me as an owner or a mother (which I'm not), I wouldn't have let this happen at all. So thanks for the judgement but it doesn't apply to me. I may have been harsh about the adults but it was a quick instinct to blame the adults...
  • Laurie Miller Musselman This looks like a boyfriend has invited his girlfriend and her child over for a romp in the hay with mommy or a drug deal, whatever it was. Of course, neither is a responsible person. The laughing and trying to get the dogs name right and suggesting the toddler put the dog in a choke hold, all while being facetious suggests that these two adults are doing something strange together, and the child is just a prop that neither one of them really cares about. It's a show-off video with both adults lacking grace, intelligence, empathy and integrity.
  • Stacy Renee Snow If anyone else wants to try to harass or insult me I would prefer they have the guts to do it in public.
  • Darlene Talbot Fultz Wow Stacy Renee Snow, that's odd that your previous comment where you CLEARLY stated that you would defend the dog and allow the child to be bitten to teach the child a lesson is now missing. How convenient for you. If you stand by what you said, then you should have left your comment in question.If you actually felt like the critricism does not apply to you, then you should have stood by your opinion rather than deleting it and then stating you would have done the opposite of what you actually said. I for one will not back down and let such a comment stand without condemning it.
  • Nicholas Valentine I'm with you Stacy . Every summer I get asked to take my hound pack to Country Fairs and Shows which always feature a parade in the main ring . This is then followed by the public coming over to meet the Hounds . I am dismayed at the number of parents who think it amusing for their badly behaved children to enter the ring and physically abuse the long suffering hounds by kicking , hitting and jumping on them . These people get resentful when you ask them to stop their child from tormenting the animals who are unable to retaliate . However if one got bitten who do you think would be held responsible ? It has come to the point where I'm not prepared to subject the hounds to this treatment any more . I can tell you from my experience well behaved children are a rarity and the scene in this video is just an example of this mind set , which is why I find it so annoying .
  • Stacy Renee Snow I didn't say I'd let a child be bitten to teach it a lesson. I said if the parents dont teach their children, they'll learn from making mistakes. If my dog snapped to defend itself in a situation like this yes I'd defend him. Also if you read you will see someone asked the comments against the parents to be removed so I did. 
    Obsessing is fine, if you want to do that. It's not my problem if you choose to. Though I think you misunderstood. I wouldn't let my dog be in this situation, and I wouldnt let a child be either. I said that as well before. 

    I've actually had nothing but good experiences with my dog and children, but I wouldnt allow a child to do this. That's probably why.

    I'm glad someone got what I said Nicholas. Mine wouldnt go out and bite a child but if this happened, maybe. There's always, always that possibility. Any dog can bite. And then the child gets 3 stitches and the dog gets put down.
  • Dennis Ballance Sr Stacy Renee Snow I think you misunderstood my post it was not asking to remove comments about parents. It was to remove negative comments made about you.
  • Lynne Smith Whoa people, there is a huge difference between a dog bite and a dog attack. Darlene, I'll address your comment "I personally feel that any parent should prosecuted if such parent allowed their child to be attacked by a dog to teach the child a lesson." I think we would all agree with you. The problem is, that is no where near what Stacy said. I'll give you an example of what I feel she was getting at - and what I personally agree with. When we were kids, my grandparents had a dog, and we were all taught how to interact with the dog, and the dog was a safe, kid tolerant dog. But my brother was an idiot and would on occasion annoy the living crap out of this dog. And he would be yelled at for it, and he would be warned that if he did not stop he was going to get bit. And on occasion he did in fact get growled at and sometimes bit - and by bit I mean teeth touching skin and nothing more, to startle him so the dog could have an exit. The dog taught him a lesson better than the adults could. This is how I grew up and it has served me well, my brother to this day says he was a total jerk and deserved to be bit and can't believe the dog did not hurt him more. If some parents think this is even too much, that's fine to have that opinion. But you do not bolster support for your opinion by mischaracterizing other opinions and attacking other people. Stacy, please message me the name of the individual(s) who are messaging you from this group - I have no tolerance for this kind of thing.
  • Darlene Talbot Fultz Lynne I'll respond to you simply and leave it at that. My nephew wad levy alone with a similar lining dog in the video. One bite basically removed his cheek.
  • Mukta Begum My heart starts racing when is the dog going to attack syndrome, other pitbull do attack children
    14 hrs · Like · 1

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