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Thursday, 23 April 2015

Rhonda Fiffik ALSO getting back to the profiling of these Pit Advocates.... I think the people who fight for them also draw from the perceived ferociousness of the breed.... they want to identify themselves with that so called strength.... it's almost as if they need to prove something about themselves.... April 15 at 12:11pm · Edited · Like · 2

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  • 15 people like this.
  • Kell Brigan OK, show of hands (if you still have them): how many people got up this morning and said, "Well, I think I'll head out today and provoke a pit bull." Anyone..? Anyone..?
  • Rhonda Fiffik One of the big issues that I have is that they are attacking the WRONG group of people!!! They will whine and complain all day about US but they say NOTHING to these other "Rooster" owners (I call bully breeds that so they can shut up about misidentification and also it doesn't matter WHAT you wanna call them it's the BEHAVIOR that we want to stop)!!!! I would have LOVED to have asked this chick what she has ACTUALLY done then to fix the problem with the OWNERS of dogs who attack!!!! They need to worry about their fellow "Rooster" lovers NOT those that simply want the attacks to STOP!!!!
  • Mary Brady Honeycutt Kell Brigan, that is my full time job now. I seek out pits just to provoke and piss them off. I want to prove my point about them, so that is the best way to do it.
  • Gini Barrett I keep asking the pit owners I know how to stop the maiming and killing - what is their solution - and they just shut up and quit talking. I made some progress with one. He happens to have a child. He didn't give up his dogs but as they passed away he didn't replace them. That's a tiny start.
  • Gini Barrett Thanks for this.
  • Rhonda Fiffik This one REALLY got me fired up because of the sheer stupidity of their theory not to mention they sent it to live close to Dusty and I....
    A South Hills pet facility will try to retrain and...
  • Rhonda Fiffik This argument of "protecting it's owner" was sooooooo incredibly insane!!! People CANNOT be people around these dogs!!! It is NORMAL for people to be given CPR, it is NORMAL for kids to run, play and make noise!!!! These excuses for the dogs that they come up with makes me wonder how they even manage to fight their way out of a paper bag!!! They are THAT flimsy!!!!
  • Rhonda Fiffik Just like that Gus this dog Sheba was allowed to live as long as it wasn't in THEIR state!!! Well if it can't stay where it is why on Earth should someone else be subjected to it????
  • Rhonda Fiffik AAAAND if Caesar Milan can't "rehab" Gus in that high priced facility of his... look at the conditions they sent this Sheba to.... all I can say is GOD HELP US!!!
    A dog in West Virginia that killed a man trying to help...
  • Rhonda Fiffik YES Dusty he should!!! Problem is most of the time these assholes don't have a pot to piss in!!! Insurance companies is where it's at...  unless insurance is involved one generally can't do much....I STILL wonder if numnuts over there in South Hills has insurance.....
  • Rhonda Fiffik Yeah exactly my point... looking at that so called "facility" I would question a LOT!!! They did a POOR job at vetting this place before sending Sheba there!!! The people in WV should have at LEAST made sure they had insurance!!!
  • Rhonda Fiffik Well when Sheba bites again I can only hope there is some legal recourse!!! I wanna see that place sued so badly!!!
  • Lew Heifner When she attacks again, I hope it is not an innocent child or neighbor. A "rescuer" would be better...
  • Rhonda Fiffik I said that in one of my rants Lew Heifner... 
  • Rhonda Fiffik POETIC JUSTICE!!! 
  • Rhonda Fiffik Co-dependent people tend to make a LOT of excuses.... not sure if that is what it is but that is an observation.... They sure do seen to want to "enable".....
  • Rhonda Fiffik Some people have a "need" to save something.... Just a guess but maybe these people have alienated humans and therefore COULD explain the lack of empathy for the victims and also the drive to fight for the Pits.....
  • Rhonda Fiffik Not only that but the acceptance gained on social media by fellow Pit advocates could also reinforce that drive to "fight" for them.... I have noticed that if you say "Hail Pit" people on here will rally around a person in a heartbeat.....
  • Rhonda Fiffik The MINUTE I started speaking out about these dogs I was kinda amazed at how many so called friends I lost and I don't think I am alone on that.... people I used to talk to fairly often did a TOTAL 180 on me.... just over my view against the breed.... I thought it was interesting....
  • Rhonda Fiffik I was ALWAYS leary of the breed and when I saw how victims were being TOTALLY discarded and being treated like trash and an inconvenience I got PISSED... there isn't much rocket science to it... 
  • Rhonda Fiffik ALSO getting back to the profiling of these Pit Advocates.... I think the people who fight for them also draw from the perceived ferociousness of the breed.... they want to identify themselves with that so called strength.... it's almost as if they need to prove something about themselves....
  • Rhonda Fiffik Look at how much talk they spew about "protecting their owner"......  they are most likely insecure....
  • Barbara Ghiselin You "pitty lovers" are full of RAGE- just like the so-called "dogs" you defend. You are so stupid it's difficult to respond to your narrow- minded comments

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