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Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Isabella Marie 4 hrs I don't know if you guys have seen this "blog" before, but this weird nutter apparently thinks she has something to say, and people want to hear it.

...all 3 subscribers she has that is. I swear these nutbags must live in their parents basements trolling the internet for ammo in their "crusade". It's damn near comical! I love the pseudo-intellectual "words of wisdom" she touts, almost like she knows what she's talking about.
Do you know anyone that uses the following manipulative techniques?LyingLying by omissionDenial Rationalization Minimization Selective inattentive and Selective attention Divers...
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  • Isabella Marie Look at how in the dark I've been! Haha, what a freak!
    4 hrs · Like · 3
  • Laurie Miller Musselman She is a psychopathic narcissist. They don't like themselves, they enjoy hurting others, they lack empathy, sympathy and rational thought. They are a danger to everyone who has the unfortunate chance to possibly know them at all.
    3 hrs · Like · 3
  • Isabella Marie I get messages like this in my other folder. Further proving their sheer insanity
    3 hrs · Like · 1
  • Laurie Miller Musselman She belongs in a lunatic asylum. No one should ever want a child to be mauled by a dangerous dog. Her mind is sick and twisted, and she is a scourge to society at large. She has no intelligence. I think she is on meth, they act like that when they cook meth. Report her.
    3 hrs · Like · 3
  • Isabella Marie I'm tellin' ya, they are their own worst enemies. They can believe in whatever they want, they can stand up for what they believe in. But anything they have to say, is completely discredited and moot because of their hideous mouths and the shit that pours forth from them. Will they ever learn?
    3 hrs · Like · 1
  • Meryl Fauerbach this is exactly what these kind of people do.They put their behavior on others. Text book example if we were talking domesttic violence.Send a post out the other day. figured out they answer. we need to do what big corporations do and we need to get a secretary that gets all the like minded groups together. And take this to a federal level. we need to raise funds as a whole. We need to hire an attorney to write a bill covering ALL the issues in regard to companion animals and we need to hired a lobbyist to get the bill signed. I wrote a beautiful esay on this and posted in. I have 144 friends. 140 of them are hard core animals rescue advocates. do you think anylone even liked my post ? do you think anyone commented . No just one like and comment. She said but I am from the UK. all these people who promote rescue. Are devastated about what happens to unwanted animal and no one not one of them volunteered to take action or even shared my post with the other animal advocate friends.
    2 hrs · Edited · Like · 2
  • Meryl Fauerbach My point stop sitting here wining crying and bullshiting. get organized and take action. Jeff Borchardt has.Are you paying attention Julia Lewis
    1 hr · Like
  • Meryl Fauerbach Sorry Julia did not know you were not in thhe states. But you have influence here with these people.
    1 hr · Like

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