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Sunday, 22 March 2015

Julia Lewis--"Who says pit bulls have to be trained to fight?" ( Umm Julia what do you think they're are doing in the video? has your hatred blinded you?)

Who says pit bulls have to be trained to fight? This is not nice to watch.
Pittbull puppy
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  • 7 people like this.
  • Earl Upham Sick bastards!
  • Tammy Surdam How twisted these beast and people are , so its all in how there raised my a**!!!
  • Stacy Renee Snow That's not even training. If you did that with any other breed they wouldn't do that. No way. Even if you starved them. Labs that age would be looking for food for them BOTH to eat, not attacking each other. This is really disturbing.
  • Penny Spears All the blood they draw! They are babies!!
  • Anthony Michael Ridge It is in their DNA, these pups don't know what they are doing, they are just following their instincts that were instilled in them 100'2 of years ago. They are just doing what they are born to do... sad..
  • Nicholas Valentine Actually I have had litters of Griffon Bassets and Beagles try to kill each other at this age , this isn't unique behaviour in puppies - working terriers can be particularly dreadful in this respect . It is very obvious I should have thought that fighting dogs are going to fight .
  • Harry Peel Nicholas Valentine are the breeds you name bred for bloodsport, fox and rabbit hunts?
    Maybe the selective breeding of the bassets and beagles for such bloodsport has narrowed the bloodline down for such traits in your puppies.
  • Joanna McGinn not so different from Border Collies that age who will immediately start herding even geese... which can be pretty nasty and not as 'docile
  • Nicholas Valentine In the Breeding of pack hounds the one quality you don't want is them to fight and hound breeds are generally known to be very tolerant around other dogs . The worst litter I ever saw for fighting were a litter of PBGV in a show kennel ( not mine ) . I am just trying to point out that even small puppies of other breeds will fight . Anthony M Ridge above makes a good comment . In general there seems to be a lack of understanding of the nature of dogs on all sides .
  • Tammy Surdam The point is they are maybe 6`8 weeks old , they are doing what they are bred for . It is scary and they are useless .
  • Stacy Renee Snow More like 3 or 4 months I think.
  • Jean Olszewski No, Stacy, those puppies are not that old, more like 6-7 weeks. I have been around numerous litters of puppies ,even Dobes, , and have never seen anything like this, except for another litter of pit bull puppies with one trying to kill another. Why would anyone want this type of dog unless they are involved in dogfighting
  • Julia Lewis Yes, they are very young. They should still be with their mother, or only recently left.
  • Penny Spears Their mother is probably afraid of them.
  • Amber A Maclin Sick people

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