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Thursday, 26 March 2015

McGinn takes her insanity to a whole new level

mcginnSo she admits to having abortions because of an RH issue. She didn’t want to “burden the taxpayers”. Basically saying if she had a mentally challenged child SHE wasn’t going to be the one raising or paying for it. Lovely. Of course she tries to redeem herself by talking about how HER PLASMA is responsible for the development of Rhogam. And then how “whoa is us” because she (and others) were getting older they had to come up with a new miracle synthetic version (because obvs, no other woman would be as giving as she is and contribute to the project). Lord.
And of course she is a member of NARAL (a pro-choice group) and since she donated to a full page LA Times ad this is supposed to mean…what?
But then she sees what “pit mommies” turn out to be. What is that Joanna? Good, loving mothers who take care of their kids? Like Kim Borchardt and Angela Rutledge?
Then to bring it all home, after admitting she had 2 abortions (that’s more kids than my dogs have killed), stating she now believes that is murder, she circles around to “if it’s someone who is going to own an pit bull, well then it’s okay”.
Yeah. You got some real serious issues lady.
For the record..we at Foolish Follies really could care less what anyone does with their bodies. That is between you and your God, not us. Sadly, the majority of the BSL group does not agree and feels that for some reason, they have the right to dictate how we all live our lives. Good luck with that.

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