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Tuesday 21 April 2015

Joanna McGinn Nicholas... of course not all PBs kill or even merely attack (leaving 6figure meidcal bills for the victim to pay)... any more than all Cairn Terriers will go after a rat.... my boy Barney jus refused to go down the tunnels and pissed on all the equipment... as much as his 'sister' and Gwen Scottie fursib LOVED to go after those RATZ and MICE! There are even Labs that absolutely refuse to retrieve. HOWEVER when it comes to attacking without provocation or warning, PBs are the top in number and severity.... and it does come from breeding... been tracking it for over 20 years....

Frankie lost his right ear, has a multitude of sutures, many drains inserted, and had to receive a blood transfusion to save his life.
What happened to this poor little guy is all too common.
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